Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Morning Messages: December 2 - 6, 2019  

Monday, December 2, 2019


Dear Students:

      We have been away from the "community" of our great Classroom 16! for 9 days. That's the longest we've been apart, except for the 5th Graders who separated over the Summer, then returned.

     Let's spend a little precious time this morning sharing experiences we all had over the Holiday, then I'll give you a vision for all the exciting learning and activities upcoming in this interval of 3 weeks before the next Holiday.


           Mr. Stathis


Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Dear Students:

      "Concentration" is your "Key Word" today, the Key to unlocking your "brain-power by the hour!"

     You contain great energy in your brain that can connect so much knowledge and your brain can produce through your ideas, feelings, words, and actions such incredible wonders, making the 'Joy of Learning' so full on any day, in every day.

     You each have such important things to do with your life, now and in the future. Your greatness starts here and now through your concentration upon our lessons.


           Mr. Stathis


Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Dear Students:

      Let's think about, then talk about "anticipation." There are a lot of interesting ideas and feelings connected to "anticipation."

     To have 'anticipation' of something is to expect something to happen. It may be something you hope will happen or it may be that you're not sure WHAT is going to happen but you know SOMETHING is going to happen for sure.

     Both feelings of "excitement" and "worry" can be connected to your anticipation.

     When you wake up in the morning and think about coming to Classroom 16, you are in anticipation. Some things you know are going to happen and other times you know "something" will happen, but you're not sure what.

     But you know that you can always count on the fact that you have awoken to the opportunity for THE JOY OF LEARNING!


           Mr. Stathis


Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dear Students:

      Welcome to another busy day of challenges, striving, self-control, care, learning, and new anticipation of what is yet to happen!

     Enjoy this opportunity today to be with classmates, all striving together, all experiencing together great ideas, thoughts, and emotions.

     Be your BEST today, and make me proud of you, 10 times over!


           Mr. Stathis


Friday, December 6, 2019

Dear Students:

      Sometimes in School our greatest joy is being together with our classmates, our peers, knowing that together we are doing positive activities with positive feelings, things advancing us to greatness!

     To keep these feelings of "Togetherness" active, we have to use 'positive peer pressure' with one another.

     We can all be good advisors to one another in a positive way, to keep this joy flowing like a mighty stream of happiness ever flowing on and on in our Great Classroom 16!

     Be positive! Be helpful!


           Mr. Stathis